Travels and Whims
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Spring 2019 Must Haves

My Spring 2019 Must Haves

Spring is in the wind waiting to blow our way soon. Since it’s another season, it’s also another reason that deserve a closet-reset. After those mystical, heavenly white fine crystals become dirty slush, those grim, drab and dreary winter-feels start to set right in. But, It also sets my mood to get thrilled for warmer climate from whence, stirred me to lay fresh-weather-appropriate-ensemble for the awaited next equinox.

Off Shoulder Frenzy For Fall

Off Shoulder Frenzy For Fall

TGIF! Thank goodness it’s fall! It’s really such a delight to gaze at trees become a spectacular sight and realize how colorful our world is. Every autumn, I get stirred up getting up in the morning and smell the aroma of fall. My husband knows how I love leaf-peeping excursions and indulge into my gaping fascination towards nature.