Travels and Whims
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Winter 2018

My Ho Ho Experience in Chicago

My Ho Ho Experience in Chicago

When the crisp morning air begins to lazily gust on my cheeks, when I see the leaves start to dress in splendor of orange and fiery red, when delicate mists blanket the lush grass-filled meadows, when the tree-lined streets set ablaze with red flame and golden leaves, when the first dainty crystal frosts glisten in silvery sparks glued on twigs, and, in the fullness of time, when I hear the first crunch of the winter snow, then my concealed anticipation of thrill begins to grow. December is manifestly fast approaching!

Yuletide Spin At The Amana Colonies

What’s the magnetic allure this Amana Colonies has that I’ve heard so much good about it? I heeded my friends sounding recommendation to visit this place. We arrived there after luncheon hour. I was confronted with a style of houses built in sand stones, red bricks and dark clapboard exterior that gave them their rustic look. Stepping back in time is a theme I kinda adore.