Many travelers have at least one credit card that they use regularly for their daily expenses. They use it to buy groceries, pay for meals at restaurants, or pretty much anything you can think of. In this day and age of modern technology in a fast paced economy, you can use plastic to pay for anything, anywhere. Even street vendors are equipped with credit card readers that work through their smart phones or tablets.
As the rising sun peeks through the vast eastern horizon, London’s public markets crank into high gear in preparation for the multitude of locals and tourists who frequent this local flair. The brisk morning air increasingly saturated with the aroma of freshly baked breads and that gorgeous smell of freshly brewed cup of morning coffee.
Packing for a cruise is a fun, yet stressful experience especially if it is your first time. You want everything to be perfect on your first nautical voyage. After all, you are treating yourself to a week-long pampering with lots of great food, awesome drinks, tons of fun and activities, and spectacular views. What should you bring (or not bring) on your cruise?
Much is to be explored in this city frequented by globe trotters around the world. The city of London ranks high as one of Europe’s top destination with countless perks and inevitable discoveries hidden in every corner. This thriving metropolis lights up with electrifying vivacity yet somewhat charismatic with its quaint scenery of medieval charm and centuries-old architecture.
London’s culinary scene is saturated with restaurants and cafe’s, along with pubs in every street corner. Every winding road leads to new culinary discoveries. From the modest eateries offering affordable eats to more esteemed Michelin-starred options catering to patrons with more sophisticated predilections, each one teems with pride to their own specialty, an ode to their heritage and nationality.