This world is obsessed with the pursuit of happiness. It is in the very core of every campaign, every ad on TV, every billboard you find on every major highway, and even on every publication and magazine you can get your hands on. The message is loud and clear. Think about it…
As you open your eyes to the first light of the morning sun and inhale the last dawn’s breath while cool breeze sweep,
Did you find Jesus in the coolness of the night as he hid the sun while you sweetly slumber numbing your senses to sleep?
Friendship is one of the human relationships we incomprehensibly desire to acquire in a genuine way. The dynamic of friendship is still weighed mysterious and unquantifiable. The waltz of friendship is nuanced—far more complex than generally thought.
Happiness is one of life’s most coveted treasures hidden within the very core of our reality. Pursued by many yet found by few, it is often misunderstood, misplaced and eventually replaced with temporal bliss that serves to mask its perception, and delay its acquisition.
With the new day comes new strengths and new thoughts. – Eleanor Roosevelt