Travels and Whims

Top 8 New Year’s Resolutions That Leaves Lasting Results To Your Health

Top 8 New Year’s Resolutions That Leaves Lasting Results To Your Health

Truth to a lot of people, turning the leaf to a new year means taking on new challenges and cutting out bad habits. Making such a decision can be life altering as you push through another year, but it is with keeping them that people find incredibly challenging. As life’s obstacles take its toll on us, so does our resolve to keep our resolutions. Having a goal is a great first step, but it means nothing without the tireless pursuit of achieving them.

My Ho Ho Experience in Chicago

My Ho Ho Experience in Chicago

When the crisp morning air begins to lazily gust on my cheeks, when I see the leaves start to dress in splendor of orange and fiery red, when delicate mists blanket the lush grass-filled meadows, when the tree-lined streets set ablaze with red flame and golden leaves, when the first dainty crystal frosts glisten in silvery sparks glued on twigs, and, in the fullness of time, when I hear the first crunch of the winter snow, then my concealed anticipation of thrill begins to grow. December is manifestly fast approaching!

Culinary Day Trip to Chicago Illinois

Born and raised in the tropical island nation of the Philippines, it is ambiguous to think that temperatures in the 40’s would even come close to being a ‘heat wave’. Over a decade living in mid western United States somehow molded my perspective, and such a day resounds an opportunity to roam. Truly, a great day to embark on a short culinary day trip.