Traveling has been a reality for some, yet a mere fantasy for those who are trying to keep ends meet in this world of rising prices and stagnant paychecks. Whether it is to keep up with our Instagram friends, Facebook bragging rights, or heed the call of the inner adventurer in us, there is a certain longing within us to be freed from the shackles of our daily routines, and roam free in a world searching for new destinations and timeless memories forever ingrained in our minds.
But let’s face it. Traveling is not without cost. We work hard for our money and we want to make the most out of every penny we make. But we don’t have to travel broke. We can travel smart and revel on our dream vacations all the while keeping a healthy bank account.
Here is my guide to making travel affordable:
1. Start a Travel Savings Account
You are on your dream vacation. Who needs to worry about having to pay the huge credit card bill on your next statement? Think of this as having a prepaid vacation of your choosing. You just have to set aside a small portion of your paycheck and put it in a savings account. When you have enough, then it is time to pack up and go!

2. Choosing an Affordable Travel Destination
Travel costs typically includes airfare, hotel, food and transportation. Are you thinking of vacationing on the white sands of Maui, Hawaii? Why not try an all-inclusive vacation package on one of the resorts on the Caribbean if you are on a budget? With the same cost as the airfare to Hawaii, you can have an all-inclusive stay in a luxurious hotel in the tropical Caribbean, airfare included.
3. Gas Up and Go
Even though Road Trips can feel like it takes forever to get to where you’re heading, it can be a fun filled adventure as long as you keep the kids entertained and have your travel itinerary planned ahead. Plus, it is definitely easier on the budget if you’re looking at saving a few bucks on airline tickets.

4. Stay with Family or Friends
Do you want to cut cost on hotel stays? Consider staying with friends or family members in a city you’re visiting. This might not be a viable option for some, but we have saved a hefty sum on hotel stays with the added benefit of basking in the warm hospitality of your willing host. It really is a win-win situation for everyone.
5. Sign Up for Hotel Rewards Programs
Take advantage of the several Hotel Rewards Programs out there and save money on hotel accommodations. I would personally recommend signing up for and book your hotels through their app or website. For every 10 hotel bookings, you will get a free hotel stay. It is simple, quick, and most of all, saves you money.

6. Take Advantage of Cheap Airfare Promotions
Finding a great deal on airfare usually involves timing, travel flexibility and a bit of research. But once the savings come pouring in, you can pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Airlines like Southwest Airlines, JetBlue or WOW Air throws in Flash Sales throughout the year. Back in April 2018, my wife and I found $300 roundtrip tickets to Paris, France through WOW Air. It was a tremendous deal, and all I can say is WOW!
7. Use Cash Back Credit Cards to Help with your Travel Expenses
Cash back credit cards give you a percentage back in cash for purchases you make with the card. They do have their pros and cons but you can certainly use them for your advantage. One thing to keep in mind is they generally charge a higher interest rate than traditional credit cards. Hence, if you are one who keeps a balance at the end of your credit card statement, the cash back you earn towards your travel budget is never worth the interest you’re paying.
8. Pick the Right Season to Travel
Due to the inevitable ramification of supply and demand, airfares to your favorite travel destinations are usually cheaper when you travel off-season. According to Frommer’s Travel, Caribbean off-season usually starts mid-April to mid-December, which of course varies from hotel to hotel. During this time, hotels usually slash their winter rates in favor of their summer-time vacationers.

If you have exciting ideas on how to make travel more affordable, please feel free to add a comment below. These are my proven ways on how my wife and I were able to stretch out our budget while still able to indulge in our yearnings to travel, find exquisite foods and experience new adventures.